
For your convenience, a demonstration version of COB is available to run as a Docker image with sample data. The data and scripts used to build this image are available as a repository as an example. The built image is also available on Docker Hub using the tag maize-data. Running the Docker image does not require any special configuration since it already has all of the data built and included. It can be run as follows:

$ docker pull linkageio/camoco-cob
$ docker run --name cob -p 50000:50000

This image can be seen running at This demonstration server is provided as-is, and is not guaranteed to be maintained indefinitely. The Docker image is the preferred method to use this demo version.

Included in this repo there is a Dockerfile which contains camoco and cob in a container. It does not provide any data prebuilt, thus in order to use this, three different mounts are available which are explained below. To run the image you would want to use a command like this:

$ docker run -it --rm --name cob \
    --volume $HOME/.camoco:/home/camoco/.camoco
    --volume $HOME/cob.conf:/home/camoco/cob.conf
    --publish 50000:50000

This will start cob based on the configuration and data provided on localhost port 50000. When doing this, it is important that you change the host configuration value in the cob config to, If you wish to restrict access by IP, do so using docker arguments instead. To enter the container, just add bash to the end of the command, or enter a running container using exec with bash.