Running COBΒΆ

Once installed, COB has a convinient command line interface to manage the server. To run it with all of the default options, no options are required, just execute in the camoco virtual environment:

$ cob

This will start the server in the current terminal window. To see the site, navigate to http://localhost:50000 in your web browser once the server has finished loading. To terminate the server, press Ctrl+C in the same terminal window. To run the server in the background, add the -d flag to the start command. To terminate all instances of the COB server, run cob -k. To define a specific server to kill, add the -n flag followed by the name of the server as such:

$ cob -k -n my_server

To use a specific configuration file for server settings, the file may be defined with the -c flag:

$ cob -c my_server.conf

If no configuration file is defined, COB then checks for a section web in the main camoco configuration file ~/.camoco.conf. If there are no settings in that file, it will load with default values. The full configuration options are discussed in the next section.

This is the full documentation for all cob CLI options, which can also be accessed by executing cob -h:

$ cob -h

usage: cob [-h] [-c USERCONF] [-d] [-k] [-l] [-n NAME]

Manage instances of the COB server.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c USERCONF, --config USERCONF
                        Provide a YAML formatted configuration file, if not
                        provided, general Camoco config file is used.
  -d, --daemon          Run gunicorn as a daemon (allows closing of this
  -k, --kill            Kill running server. Use '-n' to define specific
                        server to kill otherwise all will be.
  -l, --list            Kill running server. Use '-n' to define specific
                        server to kill otherwise all will be.
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Name of server to start or kill.